Awareness on IP to Business Communities
The Department of Intellectual Property (DoIP) conducted an awareness program on intellectual property to business communities of Samdrup Jongkhar and Gelephu, Sarpang dzongkhag on June 15 and June 19 respectively. The objective of the awareness program was (a) to sensitize business community on the intellectual property (IP) system and (b) to encourage them to use the IP system to enhance their competitiveness and for innovation in business. More than 80 participants in total, comprising of wholesalers and retailers, production and manufacturing units and hospitality and other service industries along with officials from Regional Trade and Industry Offices and Bhutan Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI) attended the awareness program.
The participants from business community were informed on the registration and protection procedures and systems on Patent, Industrial Design, Trademark and Copyright and related rights. Through such information dissemination, the DoIP aims to encourage existing and new business establishments to consider registration and protection of their IP. One of the other purposes of conducting such awareness programs is to learn and develop the right type of IP system that is able to meet the expectations of the business community in protecting and promoting their IP. DoIP shall conduct awareness on IP to business communities of other remaining dzongkhags in the next fiscal year.